43 Lessons from 43 Years
May is my birthday month, so I'm sharing key life lessons I've learned over the past 43 years. I hope they help you, too!

They say life begins at 40. I think that's true in many ways. I turned 43 last week, and while life is still, well, life, it’s easier and better in ways I didn’t know it could be when I was younger.
Here are 43 lessons I’ve learned over the past 43 years. These insights have changed the way I feel about myself and how I engage in the world. I’ve learned to create healthy relationships and to navigate life’s challenges in positive ways. Hopefully, some of these will help you, too!
Always trust your gut; any time you don’t is a time you’ll regret later.
I spent a long time ignoring my gut feelings (especially regarding dating and relationships), which means I spent a long time ignoring myself. I dismissed the part of me that was trying to guide me, protect me, and keep me safe. After getting hurt over and over again, I vowed never to ignore myself again. Now, whenever I have a feeling or hear a tiny voice deep within telling me something is off, I listen and trust it. My gut instinct is my guide. I don’t need proof beyond that feeling or voice. I trust myself without question. Each time I choose to trust my gut is an act of self-love.I always have a choice.
I used to make choices from a place of guilt. I used to feel bad about putting myself first. Later I’d feel resentful or blame others for pushing me into something I didn’t want to do. That doesn’t lead to healthy relationships. It doesn't lead to high self-esteem, either. Now, I know that I am in charge of my life. I may not like my choices, but I know I always have them. I know that no one else is responsible for the choices I make. As a result, I created a healthier relationship with myself and others.